MARUBADHIYUM (A new Dawn) is a docu-drama series that showcases inspiring quests of real people who have overcome the odds to turn their lives around. A young man who loses sight just on the eve of his wedding, an ex-gangster and prostitute who turned her life around and helps other wayward young people; a man so in love with his wife that he will not give up hope….
These are stories of real people that will inspire and provide hope for many others. Through these stories viewers were encouraged to look at failures and the human condition in a different perspective most importantly never to give up on life.
2011, 2014
No. of episodes
Season 1: 13 episodes
Season 2: 7 episodes
- The first season was anchored by Shanthini Muthaiah.
- In the second season each episode is anchored by a different celebrity host: Udaya Soundari, Gayathri Segaran, James Kumar, Suthasini, Nithiya Rao, James Kumar, Devarajan Varadarajan, Nithiya Rao, Karthikeyan Somasundaram, Bharathi Rani, Jaynesh, Indra Chandran, Sivakumar, Amin, Suthasini, Ravi Guna, Bashirah Mohammed Salleh, Kishore Kumaran, Shahul Hameed and Harnitha Rasu.